Hi-Fi Audio Repairs.

Loads of Audio repairs in again this week for my engineer Geoff. Keep them coming it keeps him on his toes.


Back fully open.

So we are now fully open again. So come and see us, bring your faulty gear.

Service reception fully open and covid-19 safe.


Open for Repairs.

We are open for repairs during current Lock Down.

Following current government rules and guidlines we are able to continue to trade as our primary function is to repair things. “businesses providing repair services may also stay open, where they primarily offer repair services”

We are still opening the workshop from 10am until 4pm Weekdays and still offering collections, Give us a ring 01604 648132 or see Posts below for details.


Free Repair Collection Covid-19

Until further notice we will be offering a free door step collection to any of our customers that are currently shielding due to the COVID-19 situation. We will charge our normal deposit, quote you on cost of repair and deliver back, Dave TVM. Give us a ring 01604 648132 … We cannot currently work on items within your property, but we have now reopened our shared retail and service counter as counter service only, and we are following all government guidelines.


Our Services

It goes without saying that we are in challenging times at the moment. The current virus situation is causing most people to make changes to their everyday lives. We operate in an industry which plays a crucial role in keeping IT products working, and for us as a repairer we have to carry on as well as we can.

Together we are supporting repairs for appliances and devices used for communication, IT, working from home, cooking, food storage and of course not least entertainment and therefore providing communication and company for many people.


Hi-Fi Repairs

Another batch of Audio and Hi-Fi repairs this week. Any age and make, pop it up to us. Get it out of the loft and back in the land of the living.

PA and Pro audio gear repaired


Some real electronics again today ..



Audio repairs

You know that amp and speakers that you have in the loft? Well it sounds a lot better than that little speaker in your kitchen. Give it a dust of and get it up and running, pop it in to us for a service and a safety check.


Dyson repairs and service.

A Dyson cleaner should last you for years if looked after. Pop yours in for a service to keep it tip top . We have been putting them back on the rugs for years.


Check your sound system before Christmas.

Don’t forget to give your audio equipment a run up and make sure you have no problems. Give us a call if you have issues and we’ll sort it out for you.🌝👍🏻
