Workshop Repairs

There are plenty of repairs at the workshop, but I’m getting down the list nicely. Thanks for your patience, guys. I’ve around a 3 to 4 week wait at the moment.

Full workshop

I’ve got over 60 repairs on the racking currently. looking around 4 weeks for answers. If you are thinking of dropping repairs in try and hold off until mid-March if possible, thanks guys.


37 years later

As I have a pair of these Rotel tuner amps in from the same customer, I thought I should sign the twin as I did last time.


Back to the bench

Back on it with repairs this week, a re-cap of this leak delta 30. All back good again.


Christmas Hours

I will be closing the workshop to the public on Christmas Eve and reopening on the 6th of January. Have a good Christmas, everyone.


The yellow glue of death.

So, a funny title, maybe. This is a condition that we (the electronics trade) are finding more and more with a certain area of the world manufacturing. There are a lot of issues with domestic speaker subs. After the amp boards within these units are produced, the manufacturer applies a compound to the boards, a type of glue/fixative. After a while, this bakes hard like a biscuit and turns to carbon like. In turn, it starts conducting electrical current. This is not a good thing, so it kills it. Sometimes, we can pick it all off and replace the faulty components, but sometimes not.


Restoration Jobs

Carrying on with the restoration of this HMV music centre today, all the electronics done, bluetooth added and all the wood treated.

Some of the water marks go right through the veneer, adds a little patina maybe.


Professional Audio

Getting on well with the pro audio list this week, plenty on the shelves to keep us going.


Turntable Repairs

Nice outcome with this Dual 505 turntable, repairs, and little restoration.


Workshop Repairs

There are lots of repairs waiting action in the workshop. Realistically, any item coming in after today (22nd of November) may not make the bench until the new year unless it’s something really silly like “have you plugged it in” Dave & Geoff are getting on well with the list though.
